Learning Objectives(學習目標)
The subject target of English Language is for students to develop an ever-improving capability to use English to:
• think and communicate;
• acquire, develop and apply knowledge; and
• respond and give expression to experience;
and within these contexts, to develop and apply an ever-increasing understanding of how language is organised, used and learnt.
Curriculum Highlights(課程特色)
Our English school-based curriculum focuses on the use of English and a meaningful connection with the daily life. Co-curricular and cross-curricular activities are designed in our curriculum to enhance the teaching of English Language in our school.
Two native-speaking English teachers co-teach in different levels to provide an authentic environment for students to learn English and increase students' exposure to English. Our NET has developed a school-based phonics programme to enhance the self-learning abilities of our students. The following elements are valued and enhanced in our curriculum:
- learning motivation
- learner autonomy and independence
- self-directed learning strategies and peer-assessment
- IT in education (e-learning)
- reading to learn
- higher order thinking, critical thinking and creativity
- diverse meaningful homework
- various assessment modes
Diverse Learning Activities(多元化學習活動)
We also take care of learning diversity. We provide our students with different learning activities to develop their potential and cater for different needs for learning:
Gifted Programme
Language-rich Environment
English Ambassadors
Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
Penmanship Competition
Campus TV
Writing Competition
Co-curricular activities
Cross-curricular activities
Junior Drama
English Ambassador Activities
English Day
Festive Celebrations
Ho Ming Radio
Fun Reading
Spelling Bee
Show Your Talent-English Songs
Book Sharing
Board Displays
Movie Time
Melody Break
CAT (Come And Talk)
- Co-curricular activities
- Cross-curricular activities
Rules Challenge at Halloween
- English Day
- Festival Celebration
The English activity at Christmas Party
- Fun Reading